Microsoft 365 Business Standard vs Premium : Comparaison des options

Microsoft 365 Business Standard vs Premium Comparaison des options
Microsoft 365 Business Standard vs Premium Comparaison des options

Microsoft propose plusieurs offres de gestion de la productivité et de la sécurité pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, chacune avec des fonctionnalités et des fonctionnalités de plus en plus puissantes. Ci-dessous, nous examinons spécifiquement les différences entre Microsoft 365 Business Standard et Microsoft 365 Business Premium.

Quelle est la différence entre Microsoft Business Standard et Microsoft Business Premium ?

Selon la FAQ de Microsoft : Microsoft 365 Business Standard combine les meilleures applications Office de sa catégorie et de puissants services cloud tels que la messagerie professionnelle, le stockage de fichiers dans le cloud et Microsoft Teams. Microsoft 365 Business Premium inclut les mêmes applications et services, ainsi que des fonctionnalités avancées de protection contre les cybermenaces et de gestion des appareils.

Protection avancée contre les menaces

Protection avancée contre les menaces Microsoft 365 Business Standard Microsoft 365 Business Premium
Help protect against sophisticated threats hidden in email attachments and links, and get cutting-edge defenses against zero-day threats, ransomware, and other advanced malware attempts with Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Remotely wipe company data from lost or stolen devices with selective wipe from Intune
Restrict the copying or saving of company information to unauthorized apps and locations with app protection for Office mobile apps
Control who has access to company information by applying restrictions like do not copy and do not forward with Information Rights Management
Apply policies that provide pre-breach threat resistance in Windows 10 with attack surface reduction and exploit protection capabilities
Enforce malware protection to help keep your Windows 10 devices safe from viruses, spyware, and other malicious software with Microsoft Defender Antivirus
Enable unlimited cloud archive and long-term preservation policies to ensure you never lose an email with Exchange Online Archiving

Gestion des PC et des appareils mobiles

Gestion des PC et des appareils mobiles Microsoft 365 Business Standard Microsoft 365 Business Premium
Configure security features and settings on Windows 10 PCs and mobile devices running iOS or Android® with an easy-to-use setup wizard
Use simplified controls to manage policies applied to Windows 10 PCs
Automatically deploy the Office apps to Windows 10 PCs
Configure your PCs to automatically install Office and Windows 10 updates
Apply security policies to protect business data on all your devices, including iOS, Android®, and Windows PCs with mobile device management from Intune


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